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Beaneka Coffee

Sumatera Kerinci-new stock arriving soon

Regular price $18.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $18.50 USD
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Whole bean

Triyono from Koerintji Barokah Bersama Cooperative.

Single origin:
Jernih Jaya Village in Mount Kerinci, Indonesia.

1650 MASL

Natural Anaerobic

Roast level:

SCA cupping score:

Cupping notes:
Passion fruit, green tea, raw sugar
and red cherries


Mount Kerinci (Koerintji) is one of the many volcanoes in the Pacific Ring of Fire, a 40,000-kilometer horseshoe-shaped series of 452 volcanoes that are part of an almost constant dance of eruptions and plate movements. Mount Kerinci’s historic eruptions have assured that the surrounding area is lush and verdant with a deep supply of fertile volcanic soil.

The cooperative Koerintji Barokah Bersama is managed by Triyono, who leads members in processing and roasting their own coffees. With all 320 members, they share a fully outfitted roasting facility, including a cupping lab, next to the dry mill. This is especially impressive considering the cooperative was founded in mid-2017